Women play a vital role in our church community at Allendale Baptist. We value and appreciate the contributions of women in various ministries, including worship, teaching, outreach, and leadership. Their dedication, passion, and faithfulness inspire and enrich our congregation. We strive to create an inclusive and supportive environment where women can grow in their faith, serve others, and develop their God-given gifts and talents. As we continue to empower and uplift women in our church, we are grateful for their incredible impact and presence in our church family.

Women On Mission Church Ministry Team

Our Women On Mission Church Ministry Team is a group of dedicated women who come together to serve others and spread the love of Christ in our community. Monthly on the first Monday, we meet at 10 AM to highlight and plan for the impactful work that this team does to make a difference in the lives of those around us.

From organizing local outreach events to supporting missions abroad, our Women On Mission Church Ministry Team is committed to living out the Great Commission. Through prayer, advocacy, and hands-on service, these women exemplify what it means to be the hands and feet of Jesus in the world today.

If you are a woman looking to make a meaningful impact and grow in your faith journey, we invite you to join our Women On Mission Church Ministry Team. Together, we can continue to make a difference and bring hope to those in need.

Join us as we serve, support, and shine the light of Christ in our community and beyond.

Stay tuned for updates on our upcoming projects and events as we continue to serve with love and compassion.

Women's Church Fellowship Team

At Allendale Baptist, we are excited to announce the formation of a Women's Church Fellowship Team. We are looking for dedicated women who are passionate about creating meaningful experiences within our church community.

The purpose of this team is to brainstorm, organize, and execute events that cater to members of all ages and stages of life in our community. Whether it's a women's or men’s retreat, a conference, a social gathering, or a service project, this team will work together to bring these ideas to life.

If you are interested in joining the Women's Church Fellowship Team, please reach out to us for more information. We believe that by coming together, we can create events that nurture and strengthen the bonds of family wihtin our community.

We look forward to seeing the creativity, passion, and dedication that each member will bring to the team. Let's work together to make a difference in the lives of the our community.

Join us in making a positive impact and forming lasting connections through our events.

Since my youth, God, you have taught me, and to this day I declare your marvelous deeds. Even when I am old and gray, do not forsake me, my God, till I declare your power to the next generation, your mighty acts to all who are to come.

Psalm 71:17-18.