Our Vision & MISSION

Our Vision.

  • We have a vision to embrace prayer as a lifestyle. This vision compels us to find creative ways to pray often, in small and large gatherings with a global, national, and regional focus. We will often remind ourselves of prayer’s importance by recalling the question the first disciples asked Jesus: “Lord teach us to pray.”

  • Each of our worship services is intended to be Christ-exalting, thoughtful, passionate, and creative. We will also help people expand their understanding of worship to see that true worship is "all of life." Worship for God can be expressed in anything we do as people of faith.

  • Understanding that lost people matter to God, we will present the Good News of Christ at every opportunity - in our services, in our gatherings and special events, and in our relationships. To further this vision, we will commit prayer and financial resources to partners in ministry via global, national, regional, and local missions.

  • We will point one another to present and future teaching and training opportunities that will establish us as true followers of Christ. This will include calling one another to serve in and beyond the church utilizing the gifts of service each person has received.

Our Mission.

At Allendale Baptist, our mission is to glorify God by loving Him, loving others, and making disciples of all nations. We are committed to engaging our community with the transformative message of Jesus Christ, fostering spiritual growth, and serving those in need with compassion and grace. Through our worship, teaching, and outreach efforts, we seek to equip and empower individuals to live out their faith in a way that impacts the world around them. Together, we strive to reflect the love and character of Christ in all we do, sharing the hope and truth of the Gospel with everyone we encounter.

He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.

Mark 16:15